
7 Smile Flaws We Can Fix With Dental Veneers

May 10, 2023
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If you weren’t born with a celebrity smile, you can still get one. Porcelain dental veneers are an easy fix for more smile imperfections than you likely realize. Read on to learn more.

Never show your teeth when you smile because of chips, stains, or gaps? Porcelain veneers can change that. 

At Fremaux Dental Care in Slidell, LA, Britney Beard, DDS, sees first-hand how veneers transform smiles — and self-confidence. Here she breaks down this simple procedure and the changes they can make. 

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells placed over the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance. They are made of porcelain, which is incredibly durable, stain resistance, and have a natural appearance. Porcelain veneers can last for 10 to 15 years with proper care. 

Common flaws remedied with porcelain veneers

Veneers are highly versatile. Here are some of the most common reasons patients of Fremaux Dental Care opt for veneers:

Stains and discoloration

Veneers can cover up deep stains or discoloration that can’t be removed with teeth whitening.

Chips and cracks

Veneers can repair chips and cracks in your teeth, restoring their natural shape and strength.

Gaps and spaces

Not everyone needs years of orthodonture work to correct small gaps or spaces between your teeth. Chances are veneers can cover them.

Crooked or misshapen teeth

Veneers can camouflage crooked teeth or reshape teeth that are too small, too pointy or have other cosmetic issues.

Worn-down teeth

If your teeth are worn down from grinding or clenching, veneers can help restore their length and shape.

Small or uneven teeth

Veneers cover the surface of your teeth and can create a more harmonious and balanced smile. Dr. Beard designs your veneers to match your natural teeth' size, shape, and color or create a new look that complements your facial features.

Teeth that are slightly overlapping

Veneers can mask the appearance of overlapping teeth, making them look straighter and more aligned. 

What does the procedure involve?

Getting dental veneers typically requires two to three office visits. Here’s what you can expect during each step:

  1. Consultation: At your first appointment, Dr. Beard examines your teeth, takes X-rays, and discusses your smile goals. She may also create a digital impression of your teeth using a 3D scanner.
  2. Preparation: To prepare your teeth for veneers, a small amount of enamel is removed from the front surface of each tooth. This ensures a snug fit for the veneers and prevents them from looking bulky or unnatural. Next, another impression of your teeth is taken and sent to the lab, where your veneers are custom fabricated.
  3. Temporary veneers: While your permanent veneers are being made, you’ll receive temporary veneers to protect your teeth. 
  4. Bonding: Once your permanent veneers are ready, they are bonded to your teeth. 
  5. Follow-up: Adjustments are made to ensure a comfortable fit. 

If you’re unhappy with your smile, veneers may offer the fix you’ve been looking for. To find out, book a consultation today with Dr. Beard at Fremaux Dental Care. Either call (985) 445-9656 or use the convenient online booking tool.